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Investigating the business case for outsourcing payroll

Ongoing and unprecedented changes to the workplace – including remote working and furlough – have accelerated the need for a payroll solution that is more accurate, resilient, flexible and cost-efficient, and able to handle the complexity of compliance.


Recorded on:

Is Managed Payroll right for your business?

For many large or enterprise companies this has triggered a conversation around moving from an in-house payroll system to an outsourced (managed) service. But is Managed Payroll right for your business?

Watch our on-demand webinar, where we’ve invited Mandy Hawley (our HR & Payroll solution specialists at SD Worx) and Bob Rehill (an independent HR Advisor, from Bob Rehill and Associates), to walk through the decision-making process and frequently asked questions when considering payroll outsourcing. 

We are also joined by Doug Brown, Director of HR at AG Barr Plc and Wendy Doherty, People Director of Bestway Retail, who will share their experiences and discuss how they built the business case to switch to an outsourced payroll service, and what impact this has had on their businesses and their people.

Who should watch?

All payroll and HR professionals working within the private sector, for mid-market and enterprise organisations. 

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