5 ways to reduce stress around the office
The thought here is simple: employees want to be acknowledged for their achievements. If an employee feels appreciated, they are more productive and engaged.
We have our own ‘top 5’ list. Each month, we ask employees a question about their life at work. The survey is done in a fun, open and casual manner which helps drive participation. Last month, we asked employees to tell us the Top 5 ways they felt appreciated as employees. Responses ranged from things like providing the latest technology to making employees feel comfortable and motivated.
Looking over the responses, it’s clear that little things go a long way. Below are top 5 tips your organisation can do to show employees you appreciate them:
1. Be transparent
Employees want to know what’s happening. SD Worx employees love that our executive team is transparent. Leadership does a great job sharing information regarding initiatives, the state of the business and more. Being in the know helps employees feel valued, respected and appreciated. SD Worx uses various channels to spread the word, including regular global meetings, electronic communications and more.
2. Give where you live
Giving back to the local community is good for everyone. Nothing feels better than helping others – when employees are inspired, great things happen. SD Worx supports charitable giving and run our own charity; The PayBack Foundation, which we is administered by SD Worx employees, and is funded entirely through voluntary donations and fundraising activities.
3. Flexibility counts
Every employee is balancing work and a personal life. Employees want to do their best and they feel even more motivated when they realise you understand they have a life outside of work. SD Worx prides itself on being open to flexible work schedule and remote work locations, making employees feel valued, committed and more productive.
4. Develop talent
Help your employees reach their fullest potential by providing career counselling and training. SD Worx is committed to promoting employee development through dedicated trainings and seminars. When an employee is motivated to take the time to prepare for future opportunities, they are more knowledgeable and have more confidence – leading to a more successful career.
5. Have fun
There’s lots of work to be done, but be sure you leave time for some fun! Having fun together builds better teams and reduces stress. SD Worx takes fun seriously – through our Fun@Work programme, with a Coordinator in every location, employees have the chance to get together for barbeques, races, game days and other events to relax and unwind. It makes it all worthwhile and you realise you work with some really great people!
Showing appreciation for employees can be relatively easy and, in many cases, inexpensive. The most important thing is actually taking the time to do something. If you’re interested joining SD Worx, check out our Careers site for open positions.