3 tips for improving workforce productivity

Some companies try to address their workforce productivity needs through sheer numbers. Hire enough employees, they believe, and eventually you'll find the critical mass of productive people you need in order to be successful. Of course, that approach doesn't necessarily work for all businesses. Some smaller employers don't have the funding they need to hire all the employees they desire, or they could be lacking other resources like office space.
According to Recruiting Daily, one thing all employers can work on more is making their headcount count. The news source identifies that while productivity is hard to measure, there are a few ways to encourage subtle improvement in that area. In other words, no matter how many workers you have at your disposal, whether it's 10 or 10,0, there are things you can do to create an environment where they can succeed.
To be more specific, here are three proven strategies for nudging employee productivity upwards:
Improving the workspace
Take the appropriate steps to make the office a more accommodating place to work. A current major trend is building a "greener" place of business; add a few recycling bins around the office, plant a couple of plants. These minor changes can lift employee's morale.
Strengthening the infrastructure
Giving employees better tools to complete their work or manage their HR information is also a key step. For starters, you can focus on advanced technology; giving staff the ability to view and manage their information can have a major impact on employee engagement and productivity.
Offering employee flexibility
Offering flexible and customisable working hours could have a positive impact on employee productivity. Get to know how your employees need to work and work with them to adjust their practices. If it's appropriate, allow employees to come in to work an hour earlier or an hour later, and give them days to work from home.
Small changes to the work routine can often do a world of good, so don't be afraid to get creative for a more empowered and productive workforce.