6 Technology Predictions that will impact the world of HR & Payroll
Welcome to the future! I am back with a new blog, this time I look at 6 technology predictions over the next 5 years that will impact the world of HR & Payroll. Who knows where we’ll be in 2020?
My predictions are based on detailed research, analysis of past and current technology trends, and consumer purchasing behaviour.
Here are my top 6 future predictions:
The “Internet of Everywhere”
Over the next 3 years, the internet will be accessible by absolutely everyone, at very little or no charge. This opens up the ability for anyone to access information from anywhere, at any time. As an HCM & Payroll provider, our challenge is to give users access to everything across these public devices, whilst maintaining the privacy and protection of secure data.
No more paper!
The internet of everywhere will entirely remove the need for any printed documents, such as paper payslips, P45s or P11Ds. This will have profound effects on both the environment and the way we develop systems and secure information within them.
Skills in the cloud, 24/7
Millennials look at the world of work differently to you and I and it is predicted in the future that this group of people will not want permanent 9 to 5 jobs. In the future it perceivable that individuals will be able to build up a ‘skills passport’ in the cloud and bid for advertised work. Employers can hire skilled people on demand, and pay them via the cloud the moment they leave the premises. This will provide ultimate flexibility and hiring efficiency in the workplace. The traditional office environment is certainly going to change.
What you wear defines you
We will see an increase in wearable technologies over the next 5 years. Even though devices like Google Glass (wearable computer with glasses display) have not yet gained mainstream traction, other low-cost options will follow and improve on this concept, providing users with devices that overlay information onto the real world.
Track & react
On the back of wearable technology we will start to see an increase in sensors that are used to monitor us and translate information in real time. We can expect to see these monitors being built straight into items of clothing. These will be able to do everything from translate foreign software and conversations into your local language through to providing people with context sensitive metrics and data wherever they are.
True global workforce
All of these technology trends will have a profound effect on the world of HCM software. They will allow suppliers to provide information in new ways without the costly need for localisation or even the need to visit overseas offices. This will be important for all providers as we all look to provide information in new and dynamic ways, allowing users to make real time decisions across large datasets.
My previous blog discusses top buzzwords in the world of HR & Payroll.