Reinventing Expense Management.
Reducing Costs & Managing Spend While Finding a New Normal

The pandemic forced businesses to be more agile to keep up with fluid working patterns. Digital infrastructure to support employees working from home was given a renewed focus. And as the world begins to return to a new normal way of working, businesses more than ever are needing to shine the spotlight on these systems and processes to ensure they can keep up with a flexible workforce that is here to stay.
Many organisations are continuing work from home or hybrid policies, with limited time in the office. And some workforces are moving to permanent home working, only visiting shared spaces for important face to face meetings.
This fluid way of working means that HR and Finance teams are facing new challenges - managing an abundance of new expense claims that didn’t exist before the pandemic. With the rise of home working, it’s likely businesses will see a rise in expense claims from employees, as visiting the office will become an additional requirement above and beyond their employment contract – and businesses need to be ready.
Our whitepaper explores how HR and Finance leaders can deal successfully with the impact on their digital infrastructure and bottom lines, the steps executives can take to safeguard their company, and how to ensure any transition or transformation is as pain-free as possible.
Download this whitepaper to:
- Understand the impact of the move to home working on your HR solution and financial forecasts.
- Gain actionable insights to help you navigate the new normal.
- Learn best practices on cost control and reduction, spend management measures and process optimisations.
- Gain tips to adjust cash flow and redirect much-needed funds into strategic endeavours.