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3 measures to support your home workforce

With office and business closures due to COVID-10, the number of home workers has surged. Every business wants to protect the health and wellbeing of their employees and in most cases, working from home is a much safer alternative to working in an office during the Coronavirus pandemic. 

How does COVID-19 affect employee pensions

How does COVID-19 affect employee pensions?

The current climate is throwing up questions for payroll and HR staff everywhere. Can employees temporarily forfeit their pension contribution? Do employers need to contribute to pensions? Don’t stress, because we’re here to help you get to grips with The Pensions Regulators’ advice.

Latest SD Worx Covid-19 Customer Information

Latest SD Worx Covid-19 Customer Information

The concerns and measures around the COVID-19 virus are increasing fast and are impacting a lot of people. At SD Worx, we remain available for you thanks to our digital people solutions. SD Worx had already activated its business continuity processes and is continuing to adapt its measures to the quickly shifting status and government actions to ensure the continuity of our services. 

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – What you need to know about ‘furlough’

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – What you need to know about ‘furlough’

The government has announced new measures to stop the spread of Coronavirus in the UK, by temporarily putting residents into ‘lockdown’. The measures state that people will only be allowed to leave home for basic shopping necessities, once a day exercise, medical need and necessary work travel. Following the closure of pubs, gyms, bars and restaurants, most non-essential shops have also closed, causing many UK businesses to come to a halt.

Our Payroll Services Director's tips to keep operations running smoothly

Our Payroll Services Director's tips to keep operations running smoothly

With so much uncertainty in the world, it’s good to keep a level head. We’re sharing tips and advice from the SD Worx team who are helping our customers during COVID-19. By sharing their experiences and challenges, we hope to inspire and help you through this time.

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Keep Britain Paid: Statutory Sick Pay Guidelines for employers

COVID-19 is shaking up businesses all over the UK. With a lot of change around Statutory Sick Pay guidelines, we’re here to make sense of it all and support you during this period of uncertainty.

Holiday Pay 2020 – Are You Ready_1200x800

Holiday Pay 2020 – Are You Ready?

There have been many publications about the Good Work Plan over the past 18 months and it can be confusing to work through complex, legislative documentation to understand how you stay compliant. While the good work plan covers many topics, this blog aims to take you through one aspect of this, Holiday Pay, and asks the simple question – are you ready for the changes?


Out of office: How to prepare for holiday leave this summer

With summer just around the corner, businesses face the inevitable yearly challenge of balancing an influx of annual leave requests with keeping the company running at full capacity. Absence management is a vital, yet often overlooked part of running a business – get it wrong and the impact of summer holidays can last all year round.

Payroll of the future_ personalised technology

Payroll of the future: personalised technology

A recent ‘Workplace of the Future’ survey of 250 industry professionals revealed that 88% of CFOs and CHROs expect an increase in payroll technology investment by 2025. Why? The world of work is changing rapidly and to prepare for the workforce of the future, businesses must start adapting, quickly.


Strategic data: unlocking HR's secret weapon

Businesses are failing to recognise the importance of data managed by HR teams. Equally HR professionals are not yet skilled enough in data to harness its power and help secure their future strategic function within an organisation. Something has to change.

So Much More Than Payroll Employer Responsibility in the Modern Workforce

So Much More Than Payroll: Employer Responsibility in the Modern Workforce

News of poor payroll can spread like wildfire. The sign of a good payroll function is often that it takes place quietly in the background. If it goes wrong however, it can have a catastrophic impact on both employees and the business as a whole.


A wake-up call from the future

Welcome to 2019

Everyone remembers the technology from their youth, in my case the 80’s and 90’s. I grew up with mobile phones becoming a must have commodity, with the accompanying generation of speed texters. I also grew up with the emergence of the first affordable home PC, allowing me and my friends the opportunity to explore that new ‘thing’ called the internet. It seems like only yesterday that my modem took forever to dial in, choices in websites were limited, and Facebook was non-existent (founded in 2004).
