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Christmas is coming to payroll teams

During Christmas and the associated holiday season, payroll managers experience some annual adjustments and events. Simon Parsons takes us through some of the festive benefits – and the associated tax implications.

mensen die coderen

New Year resolutions – preparing for the UK new tax year

Ring out the old, ring in the new! We thought 2017 was a busy year for the UK with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy and OpRA impacting salary sacrifice, flexible benefits systems and cash option benefit items such as Company Cars. HMRC introduced a plethora of changes which indirectly impacted employers with dynamic coding (yet continue to issue over 7 million P800 tax underpayment/overpayment letters) and an ability to not be able to calculate a predictive annual salary especially when a one-off bonus was paid. Now bank interest is being notified directly and numerous challenges to multi-tax codes are being issued to employers.

Thank you

It works to say 'Please' and 'Thank You'

In our fast paced world, it can sometimes feel like people are out for themselves, chivalry is on the way out, and people say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ less and less. I find myself more often than not standing in front of till making a purchase, and when the transaction is complete I say ‘thank you’, but receive no response in return. I leave annoyed.

Do you recruit for skills or character

Do you recruit for skills or character?

The payroll industry is fundamentally no different to any other in that success is typically delivered relevant to the quality of the individuals providing a service. As such, attracting and retaining the right people is critical. The job market has changed significantly over the last twenty years and the pace of change continues to be even faster. People displaying the right attitude and aptitude is appearing to be more important than those with just job skills and experience.

praten aan de telefoon

It's all a question of gender!

A question recently landed on my desk. It was not the first time and will unlikely be the last. It asked:

AI & HR the impacts on the transactional processes in Human Resources

AI & HR: the impacts on the transactional processes in Human Resources

The terms artificial intelligence and robotics are often used synonymously but are quite different, albeit complementary, in their application. Robotics, in simple terms, means process automation - using technology to remove human intervention in some of the lower value add activities such as information keying, data analysis and performing complex calculations.


PAYE Modernisation and Real Time Reporting (RTR)

Effective from 1st January 2019, The Irish Revenue Commissioners (or Revenue) are set to introduce the biggest change to PAYE reporting since 1944, in the form of PAYE Modernisation / Real Time Reporting (RTR).

vrouw op telefoon

International Employees and UK PAYE complexities

Increasingly within global organisations we see that individuals have increasing international activity throughout a business’ empire with differing national fiscal obligations. Impact on employees and compliance with a variety of national fiscal government obligations brings into play significant complexities. Some will be available within Payroll Software or service, whereas others, a little more obscure, may require special handling. For UK Payroll, there are a variety of variants (to the normal) Pay As You Earn (PAYE) obligations.


The Path to Gold (Part 2 of 2)

Traditionally in a relay, the fastest team member goes last, with the second fastest giving the team a good start at the front. The other two run or swim in the middle section of the race. A smooth baton changeover is usually seen as essential to a good race – and is often where it is won or lost.


The challenges of managing payroll systems in different countries

The topic of a managing global payroll systems has been voiced by many thoughts leaders in the industry. In our previous blog, Doug Sawers, Managing Director of SD Worx UK & Ireland went into detail on the matter. This week, we sat down with David Munn, Director of Global Payroll Services, where he shares his views.

The legal obligations of processing data under GDPR Part 1

The legal obligations of processing data under GDPR: Part 1

GDPR is set to see the biggest shake-up in the way we handle data since the Data Protection Act of 1998. Over the last few years, the processing and control of data has seen many systematic changes. Updated legal obligations set out in the Regulation such as the ‘lawful basis’ of the processing of data is sure to see more changes to data handling.
