Everything you need to know about moving to Managed Payroll

How to get the most out of a Workforce Management System: Get Flexible! (part 2)
In part 1 of my blog I described how keeping the labour model as simple and transparent as possible increases the chances of user buy-in whilst still generating an accurate labour forecast. Today I want to talk about how critical the flexibility of your workforce is to the successful implementation of a WFM system…

How to get the most out of a Workforce Management System: Keep it simple! (part 1)
It’s at risk of showing my age that I tell you I’ve been selling and implementing workforce management (WFM) software solutions across multiple industry sectors for nearly 18 years. During that time I have seen:

Addicted to work: Breaking the habit
It’s 8am, and you’re about to dial into your first conference call. You have back to back meetings all day, with some double, even triple bookings. There are 50 new emails in your inbox, and you’ve got 5 voicemail messages. A colleague asks you how you’re doing, and you reply with “I haven’t even got time to stop for lunch today!” to which your colleague looks suitably impressed and walks off, under no doubt that you are very busy and therefore clearly adding lots of value to the business.

Ring out the old, ring in the new!
We thought 2013 was busy with the introduction of Real Time Information (RTI). Looking back it now seems a doddle, but ever a hope that the wrinkles will disappear along with ‘disputed charge’, ‘duplicates’, and ‘misbalance’!

6 Technology Predictions that will impact the world of HR & Payroll
Welcome to the future! I am back with a new blog, this time I look at 6 technology predictions over the next 5 years that will impact the world of HR & Payroll. Who knows where we’ll be in 2020?

5 ways the resume is changing in modern recruitment
Before the advent of the internet, applying for jobs was a fairly straightforward process. Candidates would keep paper copies of their resume on hand, and when they found open positions, they would send a resume in the post or drop it off in person and hope for a call back about a job interview.

Top tips for improving employees’ productivity
HR professionals deal with a lot of challenges on a daily basis, but at the root of it, the primary goal is to maintain a high level employee retention and productivity.

5 tips for finding your most productive work time
Many of us work long hours, often 40 hours per week is just a minimum. Shouldn’t we know how to make the most of those hours? How can we maximise all that we accomplish?

Easing Stress in the Workplace
On Wednesday 4th November, 2015, the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) will hold its annual awareness event, National Stress Awareness Day. ISMA exists to promote knowledge and best practice in the prevention and reduction of stress. The theme of their campaign this year is “Employee Wellbeing as a Worthwhile Investment in Your Business”

Paying the living wage: Retail & Hospitality
Paying the living wage isn’t optional for survival, but neither should it be a problem.

5 ways to reduce stress around the office
The thought here is simple: employees want to be acknowledged for their achievements. If an employee feels appreciated, they are more productive and engaged.

5 tips that will boost your productivity
Is it just me, or are we all waking up wishing there were a few more minutes in the day to get through our ‘To-Do’ lists? The goal, of course, is to complete as many of them as possible without feeling completely stressed out. Since time’s one thing we can’t get more of, we’ve got to use our minutes as efficiently as possible.