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How do you know when you've found The One?

Everyone’s after best-in-class solutions and support to look after their payroll and people, but what does this actually look like? Beyond dazzling technology, sleek interfaces and a dashing dashboard, it’s service, commitment and knowledge from a payroll expert that underpins a long and happy partnership.

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How to unlock business growth by outsourcing payroll - what all finance leaders need to know

For many companies, recent events have stretched operational costs and organisational resilience to breaking point, and in some cases, beyond. Business priorities for finance leaders may have altered in response to the pandemic, but one thing is clear; resilient business continuity plans have payroll at their core.

How to review your payroll efficiency

How a payroll efficiency review can boost operational resilience

Are you confident that you’re getting the most from your payroll? Is it supporting your organisation and adapting to recent changes and demands?

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People Data: The Superpower Emerging from the Pandemic

New research by SD Worx, in partnership with Circal, shows that having access to people-data was the second biggest challenge for HR leaders during Covid-19 (after looking after employee health and wellbeing).


Insights for a resilient HR strategy in 2021

Our new research reveals that nearly half of European companies believe that COVID-19 will have a lasting impact on their businesses, and that we will have to radically change the way they work.


The strategic importance of payroll data for finance leaders

Our new research surveyed hundreds of financial leaders from top UK businesses to understand changing attitudes towards payroll. And what’s clear is that although the payroll function in mid-market and enterprise organisations is highly valued, the payroll technology and solutions being used simply don’t make the cut.


Investigating the business case for outsourcing payroll

Ongoing and unprecedented changes to the workplace – including remote working and furlough – have accelerated the need for a payroll solution that is more accurate, resilient, flexible and cost-efficient, and able to handle the complexity of compliance.

When should local payroll go global?

When should local payroll go global?

You’ve got a good relationship with your payroll supplier. They understand you, support you, they’re your hero and your rock at the end of every payment run. But… What if there’s something better out there? What about moving to a global payroll provider?

SD Worx Assistant

The Pros of Managed Payroll

Cloud-based (SaaS) payroll solutions have overcome a lot of obstacles that legacy payroll systems typically struggle with, offering access to a maintained platform on a subscription basis. But what works for you now may not work for you in the future. 


In-house payroll or managed service?

If in-house payroll vs. managed service is keeping you awake at night, or you’re just starting to research the options, this guide provides a balanced view to help you plan your payroll strategy. Whilst there’s no right or wrong answer, we’ve got all the answers to the questions you’re probably asking.


Becoming a Payroll Boss

Let’s face it, payroll faces some unique challenges. We recently held a roundtable, in partnership with Reward Strategy, to find out what’s having the greatest impact on those working in the space. In this guide we’ll explore the four clear areas identified as most in need of change.


Making payroll a piece of cake

Payroll needs to make strides in technology evolution and innovation, driving positive changes across the wider business and aligning with HR to attract talent. It will be more influential than ever before and key to future-proofing organisations. Payroll can be complex and challenging and comes with huge responsibility, but this is why we love it – and with 70 years’ experience, we also know some clever tips.