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National Work Life Week 2015: Fitting Work and Life Together

This week we celebrate National Work-Life Week 2015, this annual event, run by Working Families, aims to highlight benefits of work-life balance for employees so they are engaged, motivated and productive at work.

5 things to look for when recruiting via social media

5 things to look for when recruiting via social media

The initial challenge of recruiting can be divided into two important parts - first is the step of sourcing, or finding potential candidates for employment, and second is evaluating whether they're a good fit. HR offices everywhere are looking for new, innovative strategies for improving in both of those areas.


5 Strategies for Building an Exceptional Company Culture

At all places of business, large and small, there's a growing expectation that HR's role is to increase employee retention and productivity. A productive workforce is the lifeblood of a successful company. If your employees are willing to stay in their positions and work hard, your business is more likely to make money.

online meeting

HR & Marketing: A perfect blend (Part 2/2)

Following on from Part 1 of my blog, HR & Marketing: A perfect blend, this post discusses aspects around HR and Marketing working together to promote colleague communication, recognition and feedback.


HR & Marketing: A perfect blend (Part 1/2)

HR and Marketing, hand in hand
Human Resources and Marketing are two departments that have traditionally run side by side, often in silo, but can be stronger and more successful with frequent points of interaction.


Favouritism in the workplace

We often hear about favouritism occurring in classrooms, amongst friends, or even families, but how about the workplace?

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Infographic: Technology in the Workplace

Technology is moving at such a pace, I wonder if Usain Bolt could even keep up with the advancements?! The truth though is that if you don't embrace the changes, you are impacting the success of your organisation. Customers want it and employees want it and the last thing you want is for them to be ahead of you.


5 ways to encourage collaboration between Generations X and Y

A great deal of the conversation in human capital management concerns the on-going movement of generations through the workforce. There are two undeniable trends happening in the present day - one, the baby boomer generation is gradually moving into retirement, and two, millennials are entering the office in full force.

Managing conflict in the workplace

Managing conflict in the workplace

Every organisation experiences conflict in one form or another, not only in the workplace but in our homes and our social life. Honestly, it's bound to happen with people working and being together with different personalities, values and culture but actually in some situations conflict can be the base for a healthy debate. However, it's not so much the conflict that causes problems and issues, but how it is managed.


HR transformation and the importance of the little "i"

There is little doubt that HR transformation is big business with many of the leading advisory firms reporting strong demand and healthy pipelines of future work. However, while we support the importance for the HR function to evolve in ensuring it delivers optimum value to the business, we see scope for improvement in the execution of such programmes.

Social Media in the workplace - does it really present opportunities

Social Media in the workplace - does it really present opportunities?

Social media presents great opportunities for businesses of all sizes, those that adopt social media as a communication tool may find an enhancement on how they

3 tips for improving workforce productivity

3 tips for improving workforce productivity

Some companies try to address their workforce productivity needs through sheer numbers. Hire enough employees, they believe, and eventually you'll find the critical mass of productive people you need in order to be successful. Of course, that approach doesn't necessarily work for all businesses. Some smaller employers don't have the funding they need to hire all the employees they desire, or they could be lacking other resources like office space.
